
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

Harar gives relief from cold and if eyesight is weak due to cold then daily put Harar powder into water and wash the eyes with this water after 4 hours. In 1.5 to 2 months eyesight becomes fine and cold is cured.

Harar is a tree, and by the grace of Allah (S.W.T) is found in our country Pakistan also. Respected teacher Hakeem Maulana Abdullah Shaheed (R.A) who was amongst the top Hakeems of Afghanistan used to say, that in the country in which this tree is found, no sickness can remain in the country. One should take benefit from my research and experiments and people who get benefit, pray for me.

Benefit No. 1: A person, whose tongue cannot feel taste, has constipation, or whose stomach has acidity, vomits etc. should take one Harar recite “Bismillahir Raehmanir Raheem” and should keep it in his mouth and start sucking. In the beginning it might taste sour and would not feel like carrying on, but, should not give up. After sucking, when only the nut remains, it should be thrown out and one should drink a glass or two of water. The taste in your mouth will become sweet and you will feel a present taste. Vomit and nausea will end, acidity and loose stomach will be relieved and if there will be constipation, it would be also relieved. In case of loose stomach after sucking or eating Harar, water should not be drunk, it is better.

Benefit No. 2: A man or a woman, who sucks one Harar daily, will have black hair and if has white hair more hair will not turn into white. Patients who have blood from their tongues, whose teeth are weak, should suck one Harar daily. By sucking Harar, teeth will become yellowish and if Maswak is done, after some time then the teeth do not become yellowish.

Benefit No. 3: The patients having pain in the stomach, burning in the chest, should put two pieces Harar in a glass of water at night. Next day morning should grind in a mud pot, remove the nuts and mix it in the glass of water in which they were put before. A syrup will be ready, just drink it and within 15 days, by the grace of Allah S.W.T, pain in the stomach, burning in the stomach, chest etc. etc. will end.

Benefit No. 4: The students having weak memory should eat few grams of Harar powder with fresh water or milk. Allah willing, their memory will become strong and sensitive patients instead of sucking Harar or eating sonf should consume Harar jam/mamalate. This should not be more than one year’s old.

Benefit No. 5: Usage of Harar ends Circumstantial Hemorrhoids (Baadi Bawaseer). Basically Harar is sodavee and sodavee leads to Hemorrhoids (bawaseer) but it is grace of Allah that usage of Harar ends circumstantial hemorrhoids.

Benefit No. 6: Harirr gives relief from cold and if eyesight is weak due to cold then daily put harirr powder into water and wash the eyes with this water after 4 hours. In 1.5 to 2 months eyesight becomes fine and cold is cured.

Benefit No. 7: If there is a need to clear the stomach of a patient then 5 or 6 Harars with few grams of sugar and some water with 10 tolas of water should be boiled and patient should drink it early morning with empty stomach after staining it. Immediately, he will start passing the stool and intestines will be cleared and waste material will exit.

Benefit No. 8: Patient feels weak or has a heavy head, mix Harar powder and sugar evenly (by weight) and consume few grams for 3 days with some water. Allah willing will be fully cured within few days.

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